Dear Friends and Family:
Right now I am siting outside the United Airlines Executive Lounge in Tokyo, snatching a bit of the wireless internet vibe wafting through their stately and elegant entrance. Unable to afford official recognition as one of the executive piece of carpet in the hallway will have to do. There are a few of us backpacking interloper types camped along this corridor of transition; all of us just hoping to get a little "connection."
Here, now, and completely absorbed in this space I have this unfathomable feeling of excitement: I AM COMING HOME! Today, July 4th, will literally be the longest day of my life as I come home across the international date line, but hopefully I'll be home in time for fireworks, hugs from family, and Rachel.
From my line of sight here on the carpet, countless travelers make their way from left to right or right to left... and with them the worlds variety of shoes, styles, and ethnicities come piter-pattering along... languages colliding, melding and endlessly mixing with the sounds of any airport.
Occasionally a child in hand with mom or dad looks curiously and directly at me, as if to ask with his or her expression, "what are you doing? and why are you sitting on the floor of an airport in Japan?" I laugh. The parents seldom catch my eye from their walking height, and only from the questioning look of a child does this question finally meet an answer: Love! I am coming home with and for love! Boarding time announcements continue to echo through the halls: We are now boarding flight UA 855 to; "Los Angeles," "Seattle," and "Bangkok." I smile and laugh a little more. There is only one place I want to be!
Honor your moments. Life might be a short, fleeting opportunity, lost or luckily grasped. Life might also be a single moment of past-present-future, with the developed experience of both the most wise and most kind. In this later conception, grace flows... and in this art of grace I am still practicing.
Much love to you! Hopefully I'll see you soon!