Journeys and Returns
Working for the United Nations in Southeast Asia was a great experience I am glad to have completed. Now home, sitting at the "Dog Tooth Cafe" in Colorado Springs, I can't help but feel this overwhelming sense of appreciation, gratitude, and unbelievable exhaustion. And really there is nothing more challenging than living in Asia except returning to the crazy splendor of America. Yes. I am feeling the culture shock... so why not just kill my sense of anything in reality and go see the movie Sicko...?...this jouney and return is and has been a beautiful confusion, un belle confuze.
"The journey for the sake of saving our own lives is little by little to cease to live in any sense that really matters, even to ourselves, because it is only by journeying for the world's sake - even when the world bores and sickens and scares you half to death - that little by little we start to come alive." Fredrick Buechner