The Philippine people of Mabul Island (off the east coast of Malaysia) are small in number but create more community that villages and city's of thousands of people. Why? Because they depend on community for survival. Interdependence is what it was: an essential element of human life and livlihood. They are at core happy people, with a unique system of cultural norms. For example, you cannot come aboard any boat that is not part of your families. In fact, this is like the Burmese people who live in the coastal areas. If a foeigner mistakenly boarded the wrong boat (as sometimes there are many in a single harbor), he could face a serious clash with the leader of the boat. The women and children are traditionally gatherers of Sea Urchins, small fish in harbor waters, and at low tide a whole variety of species.
This young lady is surprisingly experienced with the world of Mabul Island for her 13 years. She has taken over the care of the four other small children in the family, and is a significant supporting arm in the gathering of rocky intertidal foods for the family.